So, party food!
This is certainly an easy-to-make finger food that can be made in advance. All it requires to be ready is to be popped into the oven and heated up before serving.

Bacon Wrapped Quails' Egg
Bacon Slices
Quails' Eggs
Cheddar Cheese
1. Boil Quails' Eggs so that they become hard boiled. Shell the eggs and put them aside.
2. Slice the cucumbers thick, then cut them into half. The cucumbers are meant to act as a base to hold the skewered bacon roll in place.
3. Slice the Cheddar Cheese, and cut the slices about the size of the egg.
4. Wrap a bacon slice around the egg and cheese, skewering the bacon with a toothpick. (See picture above)
5. Push the toothpick through the bacon wrapped egg into a slice of cucumber like so:

7. Serve hot!
And yes, before you mention it, this isn't exactly a healthy food item. *winks*
But it's a party, and it's a treat.
A healthier version of the bacon roll would be the cocktail sausages. This is another finger food item that can be made in advance of parties since it's served cold.

Cocktail Sausages
Chicken Cocktail Sausages
Cheddar Cheese
Canned Pineapple
1. Cut cucumber into small cubes, removing the seeds. Likewise, cut the cheese and pineapple slices about the same size of the cucumber.
2. Skewer the ingredients together with a toothpick.
Voilá! Enjoy!